Lesson 8: Super Storms
This week the Grade 2 class will be working on a very important reading and writing lessons: main ideas and details. We will be reading a wonderful nonfiction book by Seymore Simon called Super Storms. This book teaches kids about dangerous storms around the world. While we are reading it, we will be look closely at how Seymore Simon organizes his information into subtopics and expresses main ideas and details in paragraphs. We will later apply this knowledge to our own writing starting next week. For writing, the kids will be practicing an important skill. We will be taking information we get from research and putting it into our own words to tell about a topic. This should help the kids when they work on their research reports later this month.
Students will be practicing spelling ,grammar, and vocabulary as well this week. For details about these assignments please see the weekly handout and the vocabulary slideshow below.