Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!
Post date: Aug 30, 2019 2:40:47 AM
Hi! This website is your home for the Happy Kids Program for Upper Level Students. If you are a new parent to this class, know that you can stop in here to get updates on assignments and other important information from class. You can also use Google classroom to stay current on assignments and what's due in class as well. Hopefully you all received the information I sent home from class. If not, don't worry. I posted some of it below for your reference. Use this site as your window into class, but know that I am always available for questions via email.
In the first few weeks, we will be getting started with the Joined Nations. We will slowly begin our first unit on poetry during weeks two and three of class. During the first eight weeks of class we will be doing a mix of poetry appreciation and writing and learning and getting started with the Joined Nations. Please follow the Unit Calendar to stay current on what will be covered each class.
I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year. I can't wait to speak with all of you in person during our first parent-teacher conferences in October.