Culture and Beauty

Post date: Jan 24, 2013 3:05:42 AM

Culture and Beauty

In the video we watched Saturday, the "hideous" man told us that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." What did he mean? He was saying that we all perceive beauty differently. We all have our own personal preferences when it comes to physical beauty. Also, our character and personalities play a role whether others perceive us a attractive or not. Furthermore, or culture plays a very big role in determining what we consider to be attractive and ugly. So, is beauty in the eye of the beholder like he says?In contrast, Tally, in Uglies, tells us that beauty is science, biology. There is a certain look that is scientifically more attractive than others. This is the norm all people in Uglies need to conform to to be considered "pretty". While we know there is some science behind beauty, all of us are smart enough to realize that beauty is more than just how we look. There are also more than just a single set of characteristics that are beautiful. Is there a universal beauty? Someone who is beautiful to all people out there? Probably not, but it is interesting to think about.Below is the presentation I gave in class. Use it to help you review the many terms and ideas I discussed in class. It will help you with your next assignment: What is "pretty" in Taiwan?