Surviving the Applewhites Website Project

Post date: Mar 16, 2016 3:14:27 PM

For the next few weeks, the sixth grade class will be working on a very special project. They will be using Google Sites to build an original website about the novel Surviving the Applewhites which we recently finished in class. Don't know anything about the book? That's ok. These websites will teach you all you nee to know and more. Also, the students will have them ready to present to you and all of the ASLA parents on April 8 for the ASLA Expo. I know! I'm excited too.

The project requires the students to collaborate with their teams or 3 or 4. As this is the first website any of them have ever made, this project requires a tremendous about of learning, experimenting, creativity, and good old fashioned hard work to complete well. I know these kids can do it though. To learn more about the project, read through the assignment sheet below. I'll post the final websites on April 7 before the Expo, so stay tuned.

Applewhites Website Assignment student handout