This Week: Schools Around the World
Post date: Dec 2, 2018 1:19:23 PM
This week in Grade 2 we are reading the very interesting nonfiction piece called Schools Around the World. This is a book about how children all over world go to school. It gives children a fantastic insight into how the cultures and traditions of different peoples change how they go to school. Also, it helps kids expand their understanding of their world and see that while all schools are different in some ways, in many others, they are very similar. I know the kids will learn a lot from this reading selection. We will also have vocabulary, grammar, reading, and spelling/phonics practice. Please take some time to review the spelling and vocabulary words with your child using the weekly handout sheet and vocabulary slideshow below. Please let me know if you have any questions.
For writing this week, students will wrapping up their research reports and focusing on learning more about persuasive writing.